Dreams and Visions

to be continued...


This Page is Dedicated to-  Dreams and Visions


Please, feel free to contact me with any comments of spiritual insite you may have regarding any dream that is listed here... or comment to me regarding dreams of your own that you feel Yahweh has given you for the Bride of Yahshua.

As the leading of the Spirit of Yahweh directs me, I will post your dreams (with your written consent).


May Yahweh bless and keep you... make HIS face shine upon you  and give you shalom!





October 28th, 2012 -UFOs...

Sightings of multiple UFOs.


I had a dream on the  morning of October 28th- just prior to waking up that morning...


I was out and about my day doing something [not sure what]... I was walking down a sidewalk when something caught my eye.  There were other people around, it was an open public area, and the sky was a beautiful pale blue.  I looked up into the sky, I could see multiple circular objects in formation in the sky over head slowly passing over us. I knew they were UFOs as did those around me. I could hear people talking among themselves about it as they were looking on in wonder and amazement.       <End> 

October 18th, 2012 -Volcano

I had a dream on Oct 18th of a HUGE VOLCANIC ERUPTION...

I actually saw part of the mountain go with the blast. 

There were two blast.  The first one was big and people were watching on [seemingly because it had been a dormant volcano with some activity].  Then, the second blast occurred as the first blast was still in progress. 

When it blew the second time, I saw a 1/4th of the mountain go with it!  At the end, in my mind in the actual dream I thought,  "This eruption has to set off a major major earthquake on the other side of the world."   <End>

April 27th, 2012 HAIL STONES

I dreamed this morning of huge hail stones the size of basketballs falling from the sky and pounding the house we were in. It was me and my daughter Victoria and grandchildren.

We were trying to protect ourselves under door frames and along structure support and help the children as well. I could see them breaking in through the roof destroying the house. I prayed for Yahweh to keep us through it. 

<end of dream>

April 26th 2012: Rising Chant! Blood Thirsty Army

      I woke from this dream with my heart RACING.

It was early this morning that I had this dream.  I had been fighting getting out of bed and chose to go back to sleep for a little while.

In the dream; My husband Ricky and I were driving down a country road. We came up on what I think may have been road work, which had us blocked temporarily. After we drove where we needed to go, we came back to this same area of road [it seemed that it was close to our home]. The road was still blocked- there were a couple of tractor trailer trucks there also waiting to get out -it looked as though they were apart of  some work off the side of the road [looked like they were digging pipe lines of some sort]. The same truck was there still waiting to get out which had been there when we were stuck prior... but I noticed that the trucker had made use of the time and was continuing to work while waiting and had accomplished quite a bit since we went through before [some how I knew this in my mind].

As we went along I noticed this dog in the car with us. Its eyes were fixed on me. It did not growl or anything, but I knew I had to kill this dog. [This dream was in color ] It looked a dark golden color in appearance. I had to kill this dog so I took a gun and shot the dog 3 or 4 times. It left small red entrance wounds so I could see that I hit the dog... but, the dog only flinched a little and kept looking at me, its eyes were fixed on me.

We stopped the car and then had to walk the rest of the way to the place where we were going [I think it was our home but I'm not completely sure about that part of the dream]. My husband Ricky and I were talking as we walked about the work going on back there on the road. One of our family members, a nephew named Rick, worked with Ricky my husband at his weekly job [in reality]... and for some reason he, Rick,  was working there with them off the road.  So, as me and my husband continued to walk this road I began to walk ahead of him some.  As I looked back at him, because he was still talking to me about work etc, the dog caught my attention again, this time it was white and it still had its eyes fixed on me. I turned around and shot it again, the first shot hit it dead in the chest right below the throat. It kept walking behind me just flinching a little... then I shot it in the head right above the eyes. The same thing happened, it kept walking behind me. I shot it a third time in the snout... same reaction. I could see the wounds where I shot it but it just did not die. I turned to Ricky who was not aware of what just took place and I said to him, "Did you see that!? I just shot that dog three times and it did not kill it!"

After this, we went into a building. There were other people there... but I'm not sure of who all of them were. I ended up going into a room alone. I began to hear what sounded like Muslim Chanting from a loud speaker. I thought to myself where is that coming from? I thought that it was close in location to where I was, and I wondered about what was going on.  So, I turned on the TV hoping to see something on the news about what I was hearing... I couldn't find anything. The chanting became louder. I could sense that it was being done in mourning for the death of someone.  Then, I began to hear a roaring crowd start to raise their voices over top of the one chanting... louder and louder [they were angry and you could hear it in their voices]. I went to the window and stuck my head out to see if I could visibly see what was happening. To my left I could see at a distance the one who was doing the chanting and behind this person was a complete darkness of people [the voices sounded male].  "Darkness" is the only way I can explain what I saw... the people began to leap up and down chanting louder and louder with a blood thirst in their cries! Their color was a dirty gray... and there was a multitude of them. At that, the army of them yelled out throwing their arms up and began to thrust themselves forward -rushing out to kill ALL who were in front of them.  I was terrified at the scene at that time and went inside the room looking for a place to hide myself from them- then- my dream from yesterday came to my mind- [dreaming of a dream]  the thought that this was how death was coming.  I rested in knowing that it was inevitable and suppose to happen and prayed it would be quick.   <end of the dream>

April 25th, 2012 Nuclear Bomb


I dreamed this morning of a Nuclear Bomb being detonated here in the USA.

In the dream, there was a delivery driver [of some type] working covertly attempting to bring in a bomb and detonate it where we have one of our own kept so that they could do more damage than with only one.

My husband Ricky and I were driving down the road with a couple of our grandchildren. I was telling them what was happening... and we were anticipating the blast from it... we knew it had to happen and that this was what would bring in the Kingdom. I prayed over us all in the car that Yahweh would forgive us of any unconfessed sins as we drove into the blast. We could see the whole sky a blaze with fire as we were driving into it- I felt the air warm up but did not feel the devouring heat/flame ...and I found that curious.      <end of dream>

October 18th, 2011

I dreamed on the morning of the 18th of October of a dark fearsome rolling cloud in the form of a warring black horse.  I looked over a vast area (the land was flat and I could see for a long distance over towns and cities- seeing tall buildings etc in the distance).  As I looked on, I began to see in the distant horizon a fearsome dark cloud take the form of a black horse. This horse looked to be like a horse of war- violence and death were about it. It was very tall about the height of a highrise building... (maybe 10 stories tall or larger it's hard to say).  It was in a gallop tossing its head to the left and right like it was trying to pick up speed. I was around other people of whom I do not know (at least I didn't see any faces but I was talking to them asking them if they seen what was coming on the horizon- pointing to the horse/cloud.




When I awoke from this dream... the horsemen of the Apocalypse came to my mind... I do not know if that is a key to the dream... but, I had the oppressive feeling of death coming upon the land... Selah



I had another dream about "Pole Shift"  it was somewhere between the last of September and the first part of October.  I will not list the dream... other than to note it happening once again.

September 19th, 2011 -Economic Crises ?


September 19th, 2011  (early morning dream)

I had a dream this morning... and in this dream me, my husband Ricky, and two of my daughters were out ((not sure where we were but it was no place I have ever seen- it felt like we were on a trip or vacation))  We had just come out of a building -a near by restaurant, and we had  just eaten a meal there.  After this- we began walking down a pathway  enclosed on both sides by towering rock formations, which looked like  they were made up of many different types precious stones, as well as  the jagged rocks... the precious stones were stacked upon the jagged  rock -one upon another towering up very high over our heads... and we  were all amazed at how they were stacked seemingly so unstable yet not  falling down on us... as we were walking this path and looking up at the grandeur of this site ((there were other people walking along side us of whom we did not know)),  we were all in awe of the beauty of the stones and how they were  stacked one upon another so precariously... as we observed them they  began to shake and to topple off... we were totally in shock at what was  happening, and we began dodging the rocks and stones that were falling  upon us in fear of our lives... they were very large and some the size  of houses.  [End of the Dream]

 As I was  thinking upon the dream this morning... I have a strong feeling  that it  may be warning of a stock market crash. I am interested in hearing an  interpretation from some who have the gift of YAH in interpreting  dreams.



September 9th, 2011 (early morning hours)

In the dream that I had ((early this morning)) I was looking up in the sky at the moon, which was shining really bright and full... and as I was looking on at it, I began to see another planet ((which seemed to be similar to the moon, but in my mind I had knowledge that it was burning like the sun just not as hot)) it was hid behind the moon for some time because of its proximity to us... because- it was coming closer to us and it no longer was able to be hidden from our view. I continued to look on at this, and then off to the right of the moon something caught my attention... I saw something ((which looked like it could have been more planets or some other objects following this planet)) except, it was hidden from our view, like it was veiled, and then all the sudden you could now see it because it was un-veiled... as I looked on at it, I saw it un-veiled twice... I remember thinking it was suspicious... ((then the alarm went off!!  I really think there was something to the "un-veiling twice"))  <End of dream>

September 11th, 2011 (early morning hours)

I had a dream of a violent churning underground ((it appeared to be a sewer tunnel or some type of tunnel beneath a big city)).  This tunnel was at a breaking point with it's swelling, with an eruption imminent ((like a volcanic eruption)).  There were other people around this tunnel, of which I was one of them.  There was a man there who was going down into this tunnel to check out what was going on, and he had urged everyone to leave the area... so, we all began making our way out of the area ((not sure who the people were or where we were, just that it was a big city and had almost the feel of a subway setting)).  I could feel the ground grinding violently and hear it and it felt as though it were like a volcano that was about to erupt.  I felt badly for the man that he had to do this on his own and was concerned for him.  <End of the dream>

July 9th, 2011

Planets / Two Suns:


This past week I have had two dreams about planets and moons passing by the earth (in near collision with the earth), and a dream about two suns.

In the dreams that I had about the planets; one dream was in the daylight hours and the other one was in the night time hours.  The dream that was in the day time: I was out side looking up and seeing planets and moons of different sizes passing by the earth. 

The dream that was in the night time: I had seen out side of my window (it caught my eye) a large planet passing by the earth... I went to the window to look into it further and saw other planets, all different sizes, passing by really close to the earth and I was stunned and amazed that none of them had hit planet earth.


The dream I had (last night) was about two suns in the sky (in the day time).  I looked up and saw a second sun in the sky- it looked like it was outlined brightly, like it was eclipsed in the center or just not burning except along the outer edge??   I wondered at it.






February 24th, 2011


I awoke from a dream this morning about aliens. They were hiding deep within the mountains (in different locations across the world). I was watching as they were seemingly dissecting people (I saw different parts of the body as a puzzle) I did not see them killing anyone, but actually mutating them... (I believe more in the line of DNA & Genetics) hybrids- they were preparing for their soon emergence into the world.  


(I have never had a dream like this before... and no... I wasn't watching anything on TV that would bring this on or even eating pizza... as a matter of fact, I really have never cared to look into this sort of thing UNTIL this dream).



7.2 Earthquake-



February 20th, 2011


I had a dream this past week of an earthquake here where we live. I woke feeling an anticipation of it.

It was a 7.2 in magnitude.






Disease -satanic stronghold

February 2011

I had a dream about disease. 

The first one,,, I dreamed that I was in an area like a school possibly,,, an area that was quarantined because of a disease. There was a little boy who looked to be about 6 or 7 years old... who was in misery and very angry because of the disease... he just wanted to be rid of it. He was behind curtains... with nurses coming in and out taking care of him. Someone had asked prayer for him... so a few of the people that was there started to pray over him... then all the sudden he saw the opportunity to dart out of the quarantined area- everyone yelled at him saying NO STOP... when he left the area he saw another little girl... he ran as fast as he could at her and ran through her... when he did, he passed it off to her (it was as if it was demonic in nature- the disease itself) and he became clean of it.

<End of Dream>



The Moon- and Pole Shifting


I had a dream on the morning of September 12th, 2010...


In this dream I was looking up at the night sky (a lot like the picture above- except the moon was more distant).

As I was looking on at the moon, I could see it visibly setting over the horizon.

As I continued to watch, I could see that the moon was being pulled toward the earth by the gravitational pull of the earths poll (I believe the North)... which then caused the moon to begin to spiral toward the earth.

Then the earths polls shifted places (flipping) - which after that happened, it corrected the pulling of the moons orbit toward the earth... back to a normal orbit.   (corrected 11/30/10)





Please take some time to listen to this audio:









I had this dream in the early morning hours... right about 5:30am on August 22nd. In the dream:


I had went to visit Valerie, my daughter, at her school. I went into the
office for them to call her up to meet me_ they called for her... one of
the ladies in the office thought she was in a much earlier grade level
and had commented to her that she was in (not sure of the level)
grade... Valerie then told her, no... that she was a senior. After that
we left the office and went outside. We met a friend of hers out side
and sat down on some steps there and began to talk. There were a lot of
other people moving about out side... going here and there... some just
standing around talking as we were. Valerie introduced me to her friend and we had a
little small talk about me being her mother.

Then, the dream kind of took a change... it seemed... we were in the
same setting, only we were under a gazebo. I got up off the step that
we were sitting on... walked over to the outer edge of the gazebo and
was looking up at the sky. It was day light (during the day time). There
were still people all around us... going here and there... and it still
seemed to be the school setting or a park setting. When I looked up
into the sky, at first, I saw what looked like the moon. Then I began to
see a lot of them... they were planets. I called to Valerie's daughter (who was then
in the dream... only she was younger in the dream more like Natalie her cousins
age 5ish) -I said, come here and look at this... the planets are
aligning! I wasn't afraid... and as I said it, others began to look too.
Valerie came up also and was looking. At fist it looked as though they
were aligning, but actually they were passing us by (like a plane crossing the
sky- and in the dream I was wondering about that). Valerie's daughter
must have gotten down and started playing again as we were looking on at
it... because, as we were looking on, the earth began to turn on its axis and we
all began to lose our balance, like we were going to slide off the places where we were standing.
People began to say, what's happening!? I said, it's a Pole Shift- the
earth is shifting Poles. I called out to Valerie and her daughter to
come where I was and hold on tight! <END>



  My thoughts during the dream:

I was wondering why, when I looked out at the planets, why they were
seemingly passing us by... because at first I thought it was a planetary
alignment. They were passing us by like a plane passes by. They looked
like many moons going by... although some were a little bigger and
smaller than others.

Also, I was wondering in the dream, where we would end up (as the Poles
were shifting). If I have my direction right in the dream, we would have
been shifting to the South. I was concerned for my granddaughter if she
would be able to survive the change in position of the earth (either
hot or cold climate region).

There wasn't major damage being done in my dream (like I would think
should the event really occur). I wasn't fearful... and I was directing
and educating a lot of people around me whom I did not know... as well
as my own daughter and granddaughter.

Ricky woke me up... he may have been dreaming as well... I was awakened
to his yelling out. I asked him about it- if he was having a dream or if
he just yelled out. He did not remember yelling out and could not
remember dreaming. He was late getting up... his alarm did not go off
(but he wasn't late for work). I had been woken up by him earlier this
week to his moaning and crying in his sleep... he has been dreaming
things that have not been good because of his reactions while he was sleeping.
Unfortunately, he does not remember his dreams as he wakes.

I pray that Yahweh will change this... and that he will remember his
dreams when he wakes up (vividly).




"Pharaohs" Men

June 13th (am) 2010

In this dream, there were authorities searching for people who had on white sweaters. They seemed like they were "Pharaohs" men (in the dream- people with authority). When they caught people with white sweaters on, they would take them away - I think they were then killed (by the feeling that I got in the dream). I was fleeing from them as others were.... but I was caught on some stairs that went up the side of a building, which was outside. It was twilight. I could see other people in white sweaters fleeing authorities in the surrounding area (the white sweaters really stood out). The person who caught me did not want to kill me and seemed to be a "sympathizer".  I told him that he didn't have to do this, but instead, he could take me in as a supposed "laborer" (working for them). This person questioned me on what I meant... and then agreed to do it after I explained.  I took off my white sweater that I was wearing and hid it between the stairs and the building (intending on coming back to get it later when I had the chance)... then I went with the person who captured me. <END>




Deep Water Horizon??


I had this dream in the fall/winter of 2009

In the dream, I was out at Sea...at a station which reminded me of an
oil station that pumped oil from below the ocean floor...except, we (me
and a lot of other people of whom I have never seen before) were under
water in like a underwater city.

People were talking with each other about an approaching storm at
and fear was on their faces. Our thoughts were all on how we
could be safe (to be in a safe place)...but, there was nothing we could
do...we were in the ocean, in this underwater city with no way of
immediate escape. BUT ...the thing that was terrifying... was that we
could hear
the storm approaching and the water surging around the
thick glass surrounding this underwater city. The sound of the
approaching storm was
like the sound of hurricane winds...and we all visibly watched the ocean waves growing
higher and higher around us and over us.

<This was the end of the dream.>






Sun FLARES- Atmospheric breakdown

(This dream was in June of 09)

I dreamed the other night (morning really) about the ozone layer...breaking down....and dangerous rays etc...coming upon us...it was a break down of the atmosphere....




Please take some time to listen to this audio:




Under HIS Shadow,

Psalm 91

1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him.
3 For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
4 He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection....




Tsunami from Florida

I had this dream in approximately  2007

We, my husband and I along with many people I do not know, were fleeing up a mountain side getting to safety from a wave of the ocean which was coming up to where we were (it seemed like we were in Tennessee near the Georgia line) upon a mountain.  In the dream, I knew it was the ocean which was coming up from the Florida cost... it was coming up in a huge tsunami covering the southern states -all the way up to the Northern states. We made it to the top of a mountain... along with other people that I had never met before. Once we made it to the top of the mountain... where we could not go any higher up, we turned around and watched it receded back south... leaving a barren, stripped path of destruction in its wake.  <That was the end of that dream>


I am sharing these dreams, to see if others have been dreaming simalar things... and to prepare Yahweh's people of possible coming catastrophes.





Ball of FIRE

This dream was approximately 2002

In this dream, my husband and I were standing out doors next to my dad who was sitting on a bench (we were to the left of my dad). It was like a park setting...and there was a small body of water -a pond I guess- out to the right of us in the distance (wasn't close to us but to the south of us). My dad looked down toward the ground and began to shake his head saying "Its too late now, its too late now." At that time I noticed that it clouded over really quickly and the sky looked to be rolling (boiling almost)...as I looked out at the sky to the east I saw a rolling ball of fire breaking in through the clouds. I began to pray and was only able to say, "Jesus keep me from getting sucked off the face of the earth" ...just as I finished saying that (it didn't seem to hit it felt like it passed by) but the force of it was greater than a hurricane and I could feel my body lift off of the ground a few feet... and I was looking out upon everything as all of this was happening...everything was shifted and flattened down in a swirl of force...I watched as the trees and mountains were laid flat and it all seemed to swirl around me...then I came back down on my feet and was kept during it all...this was the end of the dream.







"Isaiah 34:4 describes the Day of the Lord similarly.

The Mountains and Islands Move: As a result of the great convulsion of the earth, massive land transformations occur, shifting mountains on land and undersea. Obviously, such a violent shaking will create unprecedented destruction and loss of life. As the conclusion of the sixth seal's disturbances, this displacement of terra firma is the calamity that most terrifies earth's inhabitants. Suddenly, nothing is stable—not even the earth under their feet!"

This was the most fearful dream that I had ever had...I woke crying...and in a state of urgency. I didn't even want to go to work that morning...but just wanted to stay home and pray. I do not know what the fate of my husband or dad was...I just knew I was kept from being sucked off the face of the earth. I have not forgotten it...and it seems as fresh today as it did the day I had it.  I question if it could be either planet X or large meteorite?  I believe that Yahweh will use natural events such as this to pour out HIS wrath... and HIS children are not appointed unto wrath (tribulation- yes... wrath- no).




visitors since 8/2010


    Psalm  91      He that dwelleth in the secret place of the ELYOWN shall abide under the shadow of the SHADDAY.


I will say of יהוה, HE is my refuge and my fortress: my ELOHIYM; in HIM will I trust.

Surely HE shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

HE shall cover thee with HIS feathers, and under HIS wings shalt thou trust: HIS truth shall be thy shield and buckler.


Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.


Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

Because thou hast made יהוה, which is my refuge, even the ELYOWN, thy habitation;

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

For HE shall give HIS Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.


They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.


Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

Because he hath set his love upon ME, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known MY  Name.


He shall call upon ME, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.


With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him MY salvation.  








I am a "  Follower   of the Way"

-Y A H W E H -


A Seeker of  Truth and Life ,

in Yahshua the Messiah.

I am a student of the  


and of the

Roots of the Faith

I have been on a journey,

since my  conversion  

 in December of 1988.

Only until  recently,

have I been coming

into an understanding

of just how far

modern  churches have

drifted away

from the

original doctrines,

once was handed down

of the disciples,  and of  

Yahshua our Messiah. 



Has been restoring

to me & many other lovers of truth

original doctrines of the faith

-At the same time-


Has been pruning me of   

traditions of men

pruning me of

false interpretations

and error,

which have been  

handed down

by false teachings

through   the years...


obeying -through



I am on a JOURNEY... will you go with me?!



To Be Continued...